I found a bug in CockroachDB! What should I do?

If you believe your finding is security-related: please head to this page and follow instructions.

If you can reproduce the problem reliably, and can explain us how to do this, please file an issue directly on GitHub: https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/new/choose . Be sure to include:

Otherwise, come and talk about your finding on the Community Slack, so we can decide together what to do about it.

Please try also to include a prefix to the title in the code area if you know it. If you’re unfamiliar with the code and are not sure of the right title, that’s okay. If it’s something in sql, sql: is probably a good bet. See the PR title page for a description of the source of this style.

What reward do I get for reporting bugs in CockroachDB?

For security reports, refer to our security disclosure policy.

For other reports:

Generally, Cockroach Labs does not provide monetary or in-kind rewards ('bounties') for reporting issues. Exceptions are extremely rare and limited to issues with an extremely high impact on Cockroach Labs' business.