Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • If the PR relates to only one issue or Jira epic:

    1. Put the issue or Jira epic reference either in the PR description or in each relevant commit.

    2. If the reference is in the PR description, put “EpicEpic: None” None in each commit that doesn't relate to the epic. This is particularly important if the commit contains a release note.

  • If the PR relates to multiple issues or Jira epics:

    1. Put the issue or Jira epic reference in each relevant commit.

    2. If a single commit relates to multiple Jira epics, put all relevant issue or Jira epic references in that commit.

    3. If all commits relate to all the Jira epics, put the issue or Jira epic references in the PR description or in all of the commit messages.

    4. Put “EpicEpic: None” None in each commit that doesn't relate to any issue or epic.

  • If the PR relates to no issues and no Jira epics:

    1. Preferably, put “EpicEpic: None” None in the PR description or in each commit containing a release note.


Select phrases for referencing issues are supported.

  • Supported phrases:

    • Informs

    • See also

  • A list of issues may be included for each phrase.

  • These issues are not linked or closed.
