The standard GitHub keywords for linking and closing issues are supported.
Only one issue should be included per keyword. If multiple issues are included for a keyword, GitHub will only close the first issue in the list.
Only referenced GitHub issues are closed.
In the case where this linter fails, you may receive an email about it from GitHub. If you wish to disable the noise of thatthese emails, follow these steps:
Log in to GitHub and open up your notification settings.
Under System > Actions, disable the Email notifications.
I don't work for Cockroach Labs. How do I resolve this?
If you don't work for Cockroach labs, the person reviewing the PR will take care of resolving this for you.
How to help external contributors add issue and epic references
We will occasionally When we receive PRs from external contributors. Unfortunately, they likely won't know which issue or epic is associated with the change they are making. It is the reviewer’s reviewer's responsibility to identify the issue / epic associated with the PR.
Once you've identified the issue / epic to reference(s), you can ask them to either update the PR body with the reference or amend their commit(s) messagewith the reference(s) or the PR body with the appropriate references. If you'd like, you may let them know you made the edits.